Find our reserve, documentation and sourcing requirements below.
RESERVE Requirements
The sum of:
Down payment (purchase transactions only)
Closing costs
1% of the unpaid principal balance (UPB) on all mortgages (except the subject property) reported on the credit reports of all guarantors
Nine (9) months of the subject property’s monthly principal, interest, taxes, insurance and HOA payments, as applicable
12 months for 5+ unit properties and foreign nationals
DOCUMENTATION requirements
Full statements (covering a consecutive two month period) in the name of a guarantor or guarantor’s company from:
Bank accounts, such as checking, savings, money market and certificate of deposit (CD), and/or
Securities accounts, excluding margin accounts, and/or
401K or IRA plans
Written explanations (including source and purpose) and additional financial documentation may be required for:
Single deposits of $10K+ exceeding 75% of the ending balance
Multiple deposits that seem to be structured to avoid sourcing
Atypical activity
Generally, the funds must be and owned and controlled by the guarantor(s). For large deposits, we want to verify that the funds are unencumbered. Retirement funds (i.e. 401K or IRA plans) are counted at 50% of the value.
Gift funds may be allowed, subject to the following conditions:
Can only be applied to 50% of the liquidity reserve requirement
Can be applied if provided by a relative
Must be accompanied by a gift letter with the following:
Date funds were transferred
Dollar amount
Donor’s name, address, phone number, and relationship to the guarantor
Donor’s statement that repayment is not expected
Signatures of donor and guarantor
Copy of check or transfer confirmation
Screenshots may be allowed, subject to the following conditions:
The full statement covering the period is unavailable
The screenshot shows the print date, at least four digits of the account number, the account holder name, the balance, and all transactions since the most recent statement